Lectio 365 is a free daily devotional app that helps you pray the Bible every day.
With the Lectio 365 app you pray the Bible by meditating on the scriptures and asking God to speak through them. The app has short devotionals for morning and evening so you can open and close each day with God.
When you pause in His presence, you create space for peace in a busy and complicated world.
Pray into relevant world issues and headlines, as well as timeless Biblical themes:
Together, we will apprentice ourselves to Jesus, learning from His example how we can live out the six practices in our lives. Over six weeks we will pray through key moments in Jesus’ life, captured in the Gospel of John. By meditating on His words and actions we will reflect on how we can love God through prayer and creativity, love others through justice and hospitality and love the lost through mission and learning.
A three-week journey through The God Story, a 24-7 Prayer book that creatively retells the biblical story from Eden to the new heaven and earth. Each day as we unfold the narrative of scripture we will focus on a particular individual who encountered the unfailing love of God, and open our hearts to encounter him too.
P:ause to be still.
R:ejoice with a Psalm and R:eflect on Scripture.
A:sk for God’s help
Y:ield to His will in your life.
On Sundays you’ll take a break from the normal routine to pray a different kind of Sabbath prayer.
The app celebrates heroes of faith on Feast Days, marks significant moments in the church calendar, and welcomes guest hosts throughout the year.
Reflect on the day that has passed, relinquishing stress and control
Rejoice in God’s goodness, noticing his presence throughout the day
Repent of my sins, receiving forgiveness for what has gone wrong
Rest in readiness for sleep
Lectio 365 content is available in written and audio format, and devotionals can be downloaded a week in advance to be read or listened to later. Content remains available in the app for 30 days.
Lectio 365 is the daily devotional resource of the international 24-7 Prayer movement and particularly of its religious order the Order of the Mustard Seed. Launched in Advent 2019, Lectio 365 has grown quickly to accompany hundreds of thousands of people around the world begin and end their day with God. Lectio 365 is currently available in English and Spanish and we hope to include other languages in the next two years. The model of prayer, inspired by Lectio Divina (morning) and the Examen (night) seeks to “pray the Bible,” exploring the six practices of the Order of the Mustard Seed: loving God through prayer and creativity, loving others through justice and hospitality and loving the world through learning and mission.
Lectio 365 is produced by 24-7 Prayer. 24-7 Prayer began accidentally in 1999, when one simple student-led prayer vigil went viral, and groups all over the world joined in to pray non-stop. Now, nearly 25 years later, thousands of communities have taken part in 24-7 Prayer (in-person and virtually) in their churches, communities and cities.
We’ve helped individuals all over the world to encounter God in prayer rooms – now we want to help people develop a daily relationship with Jesus. This is our vision for Lectio 365: to help millions of people to learn to pray the Bible every day and go deeper in prayer each morning and night.
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