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How to Pray



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What is prayer?

We have hand picked some a prayer ideas to help you get started

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Advent 2022

Ways to engage with the season of Advent individually, as a family, and with your community.

Advent Prayer Room

The weeks before Christmas can be hectic, but they also present a real opportunity for reflection, celebration, and generosity as the family of God.

This guide has five creative prayer stations to help you and your community focus on who Jesus is, who we are in Him and how we can share His love to those around us this season.

Advent Prayer Guide PDF

Advent Prayer Guide PDF in German

Advent Prayer Guide PDF in Arabic

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Journey Through Advent with Lectio 365

This year on Lectio 365, our Advent theme is “Breaking the Silence: Voices of Advent.” Join us in daily devotionals as we listen to the voices that surround the Christmas story. Together we will pray the Bible every day, exploring the voices of the prophets, men, women, angels and dreams that point towards the miracle of Christ’s birth.

Download the free Lectio 365 app


Engaging in Advent as a Family

Get ready for Christmas by listening to the different voices that we find in the story of the birth of Jesus. Together we’ll explore the Bible every day, learning about the different prophets, men, women, angels and dreams that all point towards the same thing: the miraculous arrival of Jesus into our world.

Learn more and download the app

Advent in Schools

Our team at Prayer Spaces in School have created some amazing resources to help young people explore Advent. There are prayer activities for ages 7-12 and for ages 12-16, all around the theme of rejoicing.

These are designed for an Advent-themed prayer space in a school setting, but they can also be used in a youth group or a family setting.

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