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    How to be Unsuccessful: Episode

    Session 6: Success is… Power and Participation

    How to Be (Un)Successful book chapter for this session: 

    Chapter 6 

    A note for leaders 

    Each session of the series is designed to take one hour but can easily be adapted for your group’s needs. We recommend allowing time at the beginning to chat and get to know one another, especially if your group is new.  

    Each session will include questions to allow groups to talk about what impacted them most – feel free to spend time on the questions that are most helpful for your group, and don’t worry about getting through all the questions! However, if your group prefers to have multiple questions to work through, these are provided too.  

    We also recommend allowing time at the end for reflection and to pray for one another, especially as each session requires a little vulnerability.  

    Welcome and introduction

    5 mins

    In the sixth and final session, we’ll explore the ideas of resurrection power and participatory suffering: how churches engage with them, and how to balance both in our lives. 

    Key verse 

    I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death.
    Philippians 3:10

    Begin the session by opening in prayer  

    Watch the video

    15 mins

    Bible passages 

    Philippians 3:10, John 10:7-18 

    Summary points 

    • God calls us to know the power of Jesus’s resurrection and participate in his sufferings. 
    • While it’s easy to over-emphasise one of these aspects of life in Christ, we need both. 

    Discussion questions

    25 mins

    • What was your highlight from the session? 

    I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death” (Philippians 3:10 NIV) 

    • What is your take on Philippians 3:10 – do you tend to focus more on the resurrection power side or the suffering element?  
    • Vincynthia shares an amazing story of experiencing God’s power to heal: can you point to examples of seeing the power of Jesus’s resurrection in your own life? 

    “What would it look like for you and your church community to grow into this? Is there a commitment to live in close proximity to the marginalised and oppressed? Equally, is there evidence of resurrection power – God’s supernatural signs and wonders – at work among you?” 

    • How do we hold the tension of both as a Church community? What does it look like to both live in the reality of heaven and the reality of earth at the same time?  

    “The paradox of Kingdom success is that it is hidden in the most unsuccessful looking things: laying down your life leads to fullness; becoming like Jesus in his death leads to resurrection; participation in the example of Jesus’ suffering leads to power.”  

    • How has your idea of success been challenged or changed as you’ve gone through this series? 
    • What has been your biggest learning from the series? 

    Prayer and practical challenge

    15 mins


    Finish your time together by closing in prayer or splitting into small groups to pray for one another’s specific needs. 

    Practical challenge 

    Where would you like to grow – seeing God’s power or softening your heart to participate in the suffering of others? 

    Choose an area you want to see God’s power move and commit to boldly praying for a miracle every day this week. 

    Or ask God to move your heart for a person who is struggling. Commit to praying for them every day this week. 

    Inspired by this podcast?

    More episodes in this series

    View series
    Session 1: Success Is… Following God’s Calling over Good Ideas
    Episode 1
    Session 2: Success Is… Pursuing Relationship over Relevance
    Episode 2
    Session 3: Success Is… Growing in Depth rather than Volume
    Episode 3
    Session 4: Success is… Transforming Over Transferring
    Episode 4
    Session 5: Success Is… Being a Faithful Presence in the Culture Wars
    Episode 5
    Session 6: Success is… Power and Participation
    Episode 6

