In our final session of the Be Still series, we’ll think about how our quiet time can prepare us to share our faith in Jesus with the world.
Ch. 12 (Mission and justice)
Welcome to the Be Still series. We hope that this resource will equip you and your community to explore how to grow and develop a daily quiet time with God.
Each session of the series is designed to take one hour but can easily be adapted for your group’s needs. We recommend allowing time at the beginning to chat and get to know one another, especially if your group is new.
Each session will include a general question to allow groups to talk about what impacted them most – feel free to allow this to shape the rest of your discussion and don’t worry if you don’t get through all the questions! However, if your group prefers to have multiple questions to work through, these are provided too.
We also recommend allowing time at the end for reflection and to pray for one another, especially as each session requires a little vulnerability.
5 mins
In our final session of the Be Still series, we’ll unpack how our quiet times can be the launch pad for sharing Jesus in the world.
“Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” – Matthew 28:19
Begin the session by opening in prayer.
15 mins
Matthew 28:16-20, Acts 2:1-41
• The relationship we develop with God in our quiet times will affect how we live our lives
• Prayer is always the birthplace of mission
• “Who is my neighbour and what does love look like today?” – Natalie
25 mins
Q. What did you find most helpful or most challenging in the video?
Q. Brian talks about how the quiet time is the birthplace of mission. What practices could you add to your regular quiet times to inspire you to share Jesus with others?
Q. Do you think mission is as simple as sharing the love we have found? Do you think that we over-complicate what mission should be?
Q. What are the answers to Natalie’s questions for you?
Who is your neighbour? What does love look like today (or this week)?
Q. “For the joy that was set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2
What would it look like to live a life that was joyfully sacrificial?
Q. What one thing has had the greatest impact on you from this series? How will it make a difference to your quiet times?
15 mins
Finish your time together by closing in prayer or splitting into small groups to pray for one another’s specific needs.
Make a list of five people you would like to come to know Jesus. Commit to pray for them regularly (even daily).
Be Still: A Simple Guide to Quiet times, Brian Heasley
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