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    Blog Series

    How do I stop distractions when I pray?

    Carla Harding

    5 Min Read

    Part 2 of 4

    3 February 2022

    How do I stop distractions when I pray? Distraction is natural; we are human. Through her time in 24-7 Prayer Rooms, Carla has developed practical ways of dealing with distractions when she prays…

    Have you ever watched a film and felt that the writer had captured your essence in one of the characters? This happened to me when I watched Up – but the character wasn’t the sweet old man, or the young explorer – it was the dog.

    If you haven’t watched UP, all you need to know is that Dug the dog is easily distracted by the world around him.

    Why do I relate to Dug?

    I am an easily distracted person; I am, in Myers Briggs terms, an ENFP. I live my life externally. I often don’t know what I think until I verbalise it. I am inspired, recharged and, yes, easily distracted by my random mind and the world around me.

    And here’s the thing; being easily distractible makes prayer hard.

    I’ve often tried to pray quietly and after five minutes my heart would sink as I realise I stopped praying four minutes ago. Now, I’m thinking about breakfast, the day ahead, or the thing I wish I’d said to that person, that time.

    All my good intentions thwarted by my inability to focus.

    It wasn’t until my first 24-7 Prayer Room experience that I realised my personality wasn’t the enemy. Distraction is natural, and happens to all of us during times of prayer. So, instead of just struggling to shut out the world around me, I started to use my senses to focus on God.

    If you struggle with distraction too, here are five practical things you could try to help you pray…

    Ask the Holy Spirit for help

    Best. Advice. Ever. Jesus called the Holy Spirit our helper. Inviting Him into the problem of being distracted is a great place to start.

    Embrace the distraction

    Sometimes my distracted thoughts reveal my deepest desires, anxieties or priorities. Instead of seeing them as interruptions to prayer, I’ve started taking God with me on my diversions, inviting His input to my every thought.

    Deliberately Disconnect

    When I pray I make myself unavailable to everyone but Jesus. Sometimes I put my phone away; I always silence notifications. Invest time into being excited about what God’s up to, not the barrage of social media.

    Find your ‘Be Still’ place

    When I walk along my local beach, the vastness of the sea dwarfs my concerns; the breeze clears my head and the vista makes me instantly aware of God’s presence.

    Find a place where your muscles relax and your soul sings. Maybe it’s outdoors, alone in your room, wandering in a Cathedral or after a conversation with an invigorating friend. Find it, then build your prayer life around it.

    Use your senses

    Try drawing, singing, building, moving or walking in prayer. Something that physically, as well as mentally, engages you. Get a good, old-fashioned paper journal and a really nice pen. When I’m finding focus particularly challenging, I draw or write my prayers like a stream of consciousness or a letter to God.

    Whether you see yourself in an animated dog, or whether you’re distracted differently, don’t worry. Distraction is natural; we are human. Don’t feel like a failure; rather focus on the ways you can retune into God’s presence.

    In this series
    • Do I have to pray?

      Hannah Heather

      5 Mins

    • How do I stop distractions when I pray?

      Carla Harding

      5 Mins

    • How do I hear God when I pray?

      Jazz Crowne

      5 Mins

    • Why hasn't God answered my prayer?

      Pete Greig

      6 Mins

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    Carla Harding
    Carla Harding

    Carla leads on the work and growth of 24-7 Prayer across Great Britain and she is part of the Lectio 365 team, helping people pray the Bible every day. Her life was hijacked by God in 1999 during a two hour stint in the first ever 24-7 Prayer Room. Carla loves prayer and worship, friends and food, a well told story and a challenge to get her teeth into. In her spare time, Carla is an active member of Revelation Family Church, a 24-7 Prayer Community. She lives in Chichester, UK with her husband Steve and their children Jackson and Eloise.

