We’re a 24-7 community running a city-wide prayer room, with a heart for refugees, hospitality and growth. We are currently made up of two families and a single woman who have been living with young immigrants, former refugees to give them a new family and help them integrate into Swiss society. We also always have room for pilgrims and other travellers, and have found that sharing food, life and space with people helps them and us grow and heal. We also host and run a prayer room which has been open since 2008 , and a real ways looking for new creative ways to help people discover how to (re-)connect with God.
First and foremost, we are a community of people who share faith and love as well as living space. We are sandwiched between a legendary music club and the state-run methodone clinic and we simply want to live out the presence of God–not only in the street we live in, but also in the context of our workplaces, where we are fully engaged in non-church jobs.
Coming out of the larger and more established Manor House community, we moved into a house together to explore what it would take to set up a new monastic community.
We are committed to a common rule of life and follow a shared rhythm of prayer, work, rest and celebration. We are also one of the host communities of the A300 programme-inspiring, challenging and growing people who want to pioneer new monastic communities wherever God sends them.