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How to Pray



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What is prayer?

What is prayer?

We have hand picked some a prayer ideas to help you get started

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The Growth of Prayer Spaces in Schools

Since Prayer Spaces in Schools began in 2007, we’ve followed and supported prayer spaces in 31 nations. Over the last year, even during the pandemic, there have been prayer spaces in England, Ireland, Wales, Germany, Australia, Switzerland, Malta and Austria. 

Due to the generosity of so many supporters there are now Prayer Spaces in Schools websites for the UK, Germany and Austria and we have also worked in partnership with the Catholic Church in Malta to develop a Prayer Spaces in Schools website there.

We continue to work closely with colleagues in the USA, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Australia to grow Prayer Spaces in Schools in those nations over the coming years.

Having already appointed Tony Tendero as national leader in the USA, we are working closely with him and the wider 24-7 Prayer USA teams to:

  • Pilot prayer spaces in different types of schools and gather feedback from them
  • Grow a small national team
  • Establish a network of leaders from churches and educational institutions as advisors and supporters
  • Develop an online presence for Prayer Spaces in Schools USA

The financial support 24-7 Prayer receives supports this work and has seen over 1 million children go through a prayer space in their school, we want to keep growing that number and impact a generation who need to hear of God’s love, many for the first time.

