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What is prayer?

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The God Story

A compelling and creative retelling of the biblical story to help you move from familiar to fascinated.

About the book

Encounter the unfailing love of God in the unfolding narrative of scripture.

Each one of our lives is a unique and unrepeatable creation. Each one of our stories is precious and worthy of being told, shared and experienced. Yet none of our stories make sense in isolation, disconnected from a wider plot. Our personal stories only truly find meaning when they are linked to the very source of our lives and the unfolding drama into which we were born.

The God Story is a compelling and creative retelling of the biblical story, looking at God’s overarching and awe-inspiring plans for humanity as laid out in Scripture.


The God Story in your church

Coming soon

We have sermon guides to help you preach through the over-arching story of Scripture alongside The God Story book, and study guides for running The God Story in your church small groups.

About the authors

Alain Emerson and Adam Cox – two leaders of the 24-7 Prayer movement – developed the content of The God Story over the last twenty years in their own local church contexts (Alain in Lurgan, Northern Ireland and Adam in Kansas City, Missouri), preaching and discipling their communities in the biblical narrative.

“Like the two on the road to Emmaus, our great hope is that through this book many will experience Jesus walk alongside them, explaining His story to them in a way that cause their hearts to burn forever.”

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The God Story

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