This Lent season, we’re looking back at some of our favourite podcasts recorded over the last 8 years…
With nearly 200 episodes from hosts of countless countries and cultures, there is an entire archive of resources ready to be explored
You can find them all on our podcasts page
Nearly 200 episodes and a decade into the 24-7 Prayer podcasts, we're taking a look back at some of our favourite episodes. First up: Pete Greig, from our 2012 Lent series Find the whole archive at
"What do we do when we realise that the mess we're in is of our own making?" The second in our look back at the podcast archive: Carla Harding from our 2014 Lent series
Ibiza, 2013: "I will sacrifice and I will push through." Episode 3 in our look back at the podcast archive lands in 2013 with our prayer, mission and justice series
"People don't care what you know 'til they know you care." For week 4 of the archive we're looking back to last year's Art of Examen series, with Scot Bower exploring the practice of Mission
"Was Jesus a feminist?" Episode 5 from our Archive series takes us back to the Anagnorisis series, with Hannah Heather delving into the character of Mary of Bethany
"What is the 'why' that keeps us from believing that Jesus himself is the answer to our issues?" In episode six from our archive, Jon Petersen challenges us to think about the power of Jesus
For the beginning of Holy Week, episode 7 of our archive looks to the Anagnorisis series. Adam Heather explores Jesus' reaction to the woman caught in adultery
"Hospitality at its core is not offering a spare room; it's offering part of ourselves" - Hannah Heather explores the ancient, challenging practice of hospitality in episode 8 of our Archive
"Jesus loved his betrayer" - in episode 9 of the Podcast Archive, we're looking back to 2014. Andy Freeman explores the relationship between Jesus and Judas, his betrayer
"Are we prepared today to open our hearts; to let the Divine meet with our humanity?" - Episode 10 of the Podcast Archive, from our Anagnorisis series, looks closer at Mary the mother of Jesus
"All we have to do is sigh with the deepest, most profound relief that someone has taken our place." In our Good Friday archive episode, artist Charlie Mackesy shares his perspective on the crucifixion
"When was the last time you were truly honest with God?" - today's Holy Saturday Podcast Archive episode is a powerful, honest testimony from Alain Emerson
It's Easter Sunday, and we're celebrating the resurrected Jesus with a final look to our #podcastarchive, this time with Pete Greig
This Lent we're looking back at some of our favourite episodes from the podcast archives. Find them all at
This Lent we're looking back at some of our favourite episodes from the podcast archives. Find them all at
It's Easter Sunday, and we're celebrating the resurrected Jesus with a final look to our #podcastarchive, this time with Pete Greig
"When was the last time you were truly honest with God?" - today's Holy Saturday Podcast Archive episode is a powerful, honest testimony from Alain Emerson
"All we have to do is sigh with the deepest, most profound relief that someone has taken our place." In our Good Friday archive episode, artist Charlie Mackesy shares his perspective on the crucifixion
"Are we prepared today to open our hearts; to let the Divine meet with our humanity?" - Episode 10 of the Podcast Archive, from our Anagnorisis series, looks closer at Mary the mother of Jesus
"Jesus loved his betrayer" - in episode 9 of the Podcast Archive, we're looking back to 2014. Andy Freeman explores the relationship between Jesus and Judas, his betrayer
"Hospitality at its core is not offering a spare room; it's offering part of ourselves" - Hannah Heather explores the ancient, challenging practice of hospitality in episode 8 of our Archive
For the beginning of Holy Week, episode 7 of our archive looks to the Anagnorisis series. Adam Heather explores Jesus' reaction to the woman caught in adultery
"What is the 'why' that keeps us from believing that Jesus himself is the answer to our issues?" In episode six from our archive, Jon Petersen challenges us to think about the power of Jesus
"Was Jesus a feminist?" Episode 5 from our Archive series takes us back to the Anagnorisis series, with Hannah Heather delving into the character of Mary of Bethany
"People don't care what you know 'til they know you care." For week 4 of the archive we're looking back to last year's Art of Examen series, with Scot Bower exploring the practice of Mission
Ibiza, 2013: "I will sacrifice and I will push through." Episode 3 in our look back at the podcast archive lands in 2013 with our prayer, mission and justice series
"What do we do when we realise that the mess we're in is of our own making?" The second in our look back at the podcast archive: Carla Harding from our 2014 Lent series
Nearly 200 episodes and a decade into the 24-7 Prayer podcasts, we're taking a look back at some of our favourite episodes. First up: Pete Greig, from our 2012 Lent series Find the whole archive at